Tuesday, July 31, 2007

hiee!!!!!!!! guessie hu~!

hiya frens of moi sis! i'm gonna add another tibit to her profilee~ don tell her! hush hush!
her profile shld be tis:

i have three TERRIFIC sisters! and my second sis...she's BRILLIANT!

agree my sis's frens?if u agree pls call my housie number and say:I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank u for ur time!

^~^ muacks!

31 July 2007

Ooh! I tried ice cream today! Unfortunately, it's those pre-packged type, so it's not much of a food tasting. -_- Cos it's the Marigold Gelato ice cream...

But still, I much prefer the French vanilla and tiramisu gelato flavor. The dark chocolate was too sweet for my liking. Maybe i'll try the strawberry next...

30 July 2007-MY BIRTHDAY!

Ooh! So happy! Today's my birthday! ^_^ Yee!!!!!!

Oh, and i broke the tradition for having cakes on birthdays--I decided to have donuts in place of my birthday cake! Cos, coincidentally, there's a new outlet of Donut Factory open at Suntec Tower 3 and Dad asked if I wanted donuts in place of my birthday cake.

Actually, it's cos he forgot to get one in advance for me.
But who cares! I LOVE Donut Factory's donuts!

I had the Raspberry, hazelnut, peanut butter and roasted almond coffee ones. But i prefer the first 2. Yum!

And Thank You to Chen Ting, Lyn, Yi Ren, Munina and Jie Shan for your gifts!
*The above picture is taken from


Hi! Francine here, as most would know me by my primary school name: Fartcine, and Friendster name: Francinnamon. Or Aunty Farty.

Anyway, here's a little detail about me. I'm NOT a full-time blogger...not unless i feel like it, or have the time to keep updating, but please leave comments when you can!

As most ppl would probably know, I'm a full-time reader, be it novels(my preferred books), comics(my 2nd preferred books), newspapers, name it. And i'm quite a food junkie, which explains my weight. -_- [Note: I'm still dieting--though it's not going very well...heck, it's never going well!]

So, my posts would usually be on book reviews, food reviews...and other stuff!

So, feel free to leave comments!